Surviving The Dead: Heartland Zombie Apocalypse Vol. 1 Read online

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  The next morning most everyone turned out to see them off. There was an odd mixture of hopeful anticipation and nervous concern. Mac was getting in final hugs with Ivy and his daughters and Matt Brenner was saying his goodbyes to his twins that he was entrusting to the care of Amy Landers. Crystal spied Tobin anxiously milling about and went over to him.

  Crystal slipped her shell casing from Slinger off and slipped the string over his head, “For good luck. Bring it back if you know what is good for you”

  Tobin slipped a hand under her chin, bent down and kissed her, then with a wink he said, “That was for luck to.”

  The group, consisting of Sgt. Andrews, four of his men and twenty of the civilians departed taking two of the jeeps, a dozen supply trucks and a troop transport. Those staying behind went back to their chores. Trenching the perimeter and digging post holes, clearing fields and planting crops and cutting down trees for when the boilers were converted over to burn wood. Those in the freshly trained militia not directly involved in the work details were assigned to stand guard.

  At midday Crystal's patrol was assigned to stand guard as a crew cleared a pie shaped grassy strip between two of the buildings and Bob Ryker was anxious to get it planted in corn. It was quite a large area and to plant it by hand was arduous work. It was a hot day and Bob kept rotating people out giving them a chance to cool in the shade and get some water.

  Amelia Cavendish more used to lounging by a pool than working as a field hand pitched a fit when called back to work, “It is too hot I can't take this anymore. I quit. I don't like corn anyhow. This is just stupid.”

  Myles went over to make her get back to work, but Cynthia stopped him, “Amelia honey we are all hot. Take a minute get some water and come help me over here it is a little shadier.”

  With all the commotion all eyes were turning towards Amelia. Amelia walked over to the water and instead of getting a drink dumped the whole bucket over her head. Her clothes now wet clung to her body showing every curve. A couple of young men whistled and Amelia now embarrassed ran around to the other side of the building followed shortly by Cynthia and Myles.

  Nervous about anyone being out of sight Crystal motioned to Bill Parsons to take over for her and she hightailed it after the three of them intent on reading them the riot act. Before Crystal could round the corner of the building a scream rang out. When Crystal got to the other side of the building she saw that Myles had clothes lined two Dee's and was driving them back, but they were gnawing furiously at his arms. Cynthia was curled up on the ground attempt to protect Amelia, while a third Dee was advancing on the two women.

  Crystal drew her pistol, dropped to a knee took a breath and fired a round into its skull and it dropped. Myles kept pushing the two Dee's back as if he was pushing for the end zone. Eventually the loss of blood and pain caused Myles to collapse, pulling the Dee's down on top of him. Crystal let loose a whistle and when the Dee's looked up she fired twice more causing them to collapse onto the dying Myles.

  Amy caught up with one of the other soldiers, “Keep going honey I got your back.”

  “Amy I'll take care of Myles. Have Bill get everyone inside, then get Mick and our squad and meet me back here. We need to figure out how these thing got so close.”, Crystal directed.

  Amy looked at Crystal briefly before answering, “You got it, this is your rodeo now, tell me what you need and I'll back you 100%.”

  “Right now we need to calm people down a little military presence will help. Let Ivy know what happened and have her help with Cynthia and Amelia.”, Crystal answered coming up with a plan on the fly.

  Crystal watched Amy move away as she waited for Myles to turn. She had to confirm for herself that he was one of the risen dead before she desecrated him anymore. After a few minutes Myles began to twitch and then his eyes opened and his jaws began to open and shut. He tried to get up, but the bodies on top of him kept him pinned.

  Crystal now fully understood the fate awaiting her parents and the shots she heard as they were taken away, “Thank You Myles.”

  Amy came back shortly followed by Mick, the rest of Crystal's patrol and bringing up the rear was Percy. Crystal still shaken from what she had been through, subconsciously reached for the shell casing and then remembered she gave it Tobin.

  Crystal straightened herself, holstered her pistol and called to Amy, “Is everyone else okay?”

  “Everyone is safely inside. I left a couple of my men with them as you requested. The Doc gave Cynthia and Amelia something to calm them down.”, Corporal Amy Landers replied.

  Amy then leaned in a bit conspiratorially, “Your doin good kiddo, these folks need a leader, make sure you are loud and in charge.”

  “Mick you know this place better than anybody, I want to know how these creatures got so close without being seen.”, Crystal stated flatly.

  “You think they found someplace to nest?”, Mick asked.

  “That or somebodies not taking watch serious enough. Either way were fixing both problems today.”, Crystal answered.

  Crystal turned her attention to Bill, “Bill take half the patrol and join the perimeter guards. Make sure there are no more dead about and make some discreet inquiries.”

  “Gotcha”, Bill replied

  “Bill be careful we don't need anyone else dying today.”, Crystal cautioned.

  “You can count on it.”, Bill stated as he headed off with four of their patrol mates.

  “Mick what's your best guess for that nesting location?”, Crystal asked.

  “Only place it can be is the managers house.”, Mick answered.

  At a signal from Crystal the patrol took up positions in a formation they had learned from Percy. They covered the short distance to the house without incident. A quick inspection around the outside of the house revealed that the lattice screening at the bottom of the porch had been broken and that something had definitely crawled in and out from there. Even though their attempts to draw out additional dead from under the porch failed, Crystal decided it best to make a visual inspection as well.

  Mick left with two men from Crystal's patrol and while they were off Crystal bounced some ideas off Percy, “Gunny we are asking to much of Sgt. Andrews team, how many of our militia are ready for perimeter watch.”

  “I understand vhere you are going, but it is a lot to ask of sese people.”, Percy answered.

  “Gunny let us not be to hasty. Truth is I do not have the manpower to keep a proper perimeter watch.”, Amy interjected.

  “You misunderstand me. It is a lot to ask, but ve are at var now, the enemy is vinning, ve mist all be soldiers. Corporal you may haf Miss Innes' patrol and Mister Murdock's patrol. Justin Murdock is young, but he has an ROTC background.”, clarified Percy.

  “Just let me know what you need Am.. er Corporal and we'll be ready.”, Crystal offered.

  Mick returned shortly and the search light confirmed that there were no more dead under the porch. Mick had also brought materials to keep this from happening again. While Mick buttoned up the porch, Crystal radioed Bill and was relieved to get an all clear. Crystal asked him to continue assisting the perimeter guards and they would get him some relief later.

  Once back inside the community hall Amy and Crystal stepped aside with Bob, Hester and Lois. They gave the council members a quick debriefing of events. The biggest concern they had was the growing panic that their compound would soon be overrun by the dead.

  Crystal was asked to address the community, “I know we are all shocked and saddened by what happened today. We want you all to know that we are not taking this lightly. The militia that Mister Braun has been training will be supplementing the soldiers on perimeter watch and the immediate threat has been eliminated. A sweep of the compound has been done and there are no more dead in our vicinity.”

  Crystal paused to let that sink in, “I know you are all scared, Lord knows I am, but now is not the time to panic. Now we pull together and look out for each other. Hester is planning
a service for Mister Cavendish see her if you would like to help. We've been thrown together by a horrific happenstance, but we are a community now and we get through this together.”

  Chapter 3 - Supplies

  Since the majority of the expedition was driving the supply trucks there were only eleven riding in the transport vehicle. Sergeant Andrews was with them and began to go over the general plan. Sgt. Andrews' four soldiers were taking point and covering them from behind. The twelve, including Sgt. Andrews, would be the principle strike team., broke into 3 squads. Sgt. Andrews, Mac, and Matt were the acting squad leaders.

  Their shakedown run was the upcoming small town which only had a population of about 400. In town is a gas station, a couple of restaurants, grocery store, sporting goods store, and a couple of churches, along with residential homes. The sergeant made it clear there would be no house to house search, but they would be scavenging anything of value from the businesses.

  Their final destination is Lexington, about another 75 miles away and has a population of about 10,000. Once there the goal is to secure fencing and building supplies, as much winter clothing as can be found, and if possible add to the food stores. Even though their destinations were on the fringe of Lexington, the town will be overrun by the dead. Sgt. Andrews cautioned them not to get over confident by what they run into on their first stop.

  Just shy of town a herd of approximately fifty dead was spotted. The convoy halted and the three assault squads were called to terminate them. While this did give them some long range shooting practice, primarily this gave them a chance to become used to shooting at people.

  Ed demonstrated his marksmanship, that had earned him a spot on the team and when it was over he boasted, “Hey Tobin we showed them Fuckers a thing or two didn't we.”

  Tobin annoyed with Ed's chatter replied harshly, “They used to be people and none of them asked to be this way. We are doing them a kindness.”

  Sgt. Andrews took a minute to scan the area to make sure that was the end of the herd and then called for them to head out. Shortly there after they reached the small town. The supply trucks were held back until it was clear. Being a small town everything was on Main street and a small group of the dead were milling around the street. The sergeant sent one pair of his soldiers ahead to clear the street, left the other pair to guard the trucks and assigned each of the squads a business to salvage.

  Mac's squad drew the gas station and the other two squads moved on to the sports shop. A quick check of the fuel tanks found them over half full, indicating not many people chose to leave town. Tobin looked in the window of the station and pointed out a mans body seated behind the service counter. Mac had Ed open the door which rang the little bell suspended over it. The man rose and if it wasn't for his ashen gray color and blood soaked shirt you would of thought he was greeting customers.

  Mac was in the lead and he just simply grabbed the mans shirt with one hand and with the other drew his knife and ran it into the back of the skull, where the spine meets. Mac let the body drop and in pairs they made a quick sweep of the gas station finding no one else. Mac and their fourth squad member, a woman named Althea searched the service bays for salvage, while Ed and Tobin went through the office.

  Ed was clearing out behind a counter where candy and soda was stored. While munching on a candy bar he exclaims, “Toby your a hell of a cook, but nothin beats candy.”

  Ed opened the door to a storage closet to see a small form stirring on a lower shelf, “What, oh hey kid what you doin down there you gettin into the candy to?”

  Tobin dropped what he was doing and ran over pushing Ed out of the way and kicked the child back. As the dead child rose and came at Tobin, Tobin lowered his knife at the child's head and let his momentum skewer its brain through the eye socket.

  Tobin turned in a fury at Ed, “Dead is dead doesn't matter the size. You screw up out here it is not just your ass, but mine to.”

  Tobin examined the now motionless child. He had a bandaged arm, presumably covering a bite. Tobin reasoned the child's father was the man they found when they entered. The man must of taken his sick son with him to work at the station and when the boy turned he ended up biting and eventually killing his father.

  Mac called in, “You two about done there. We need to move what we have to the curb for pickup and meet up with the other squads at the grocery store.”

  Moving up the street the other squads had finished the gun shop leaving a haul of hunting firearms, handguns, bows, knives and ammunition to be picked up. Mac's squad joined the other two squads at the small grocery store. Inside a fair number of the dead were visible and Matt, Mac and Sgt. Andrews discussed their approach.

  Sgt. Andrews came back to address the squad members, “I want you each to keep your pistols holstered. Only Matt, Mac and I will be firing inside, we don't need to take chances on a friendly fire incident. I'd suggest you grab one of the machetes we pulled from the gun shop. I'll take my squad around back through the loading dock, the rest of you will go in through the front door. Salvage doesn't start until we know all the dead are down. Keep your eyes open, watch each others backs and stay calm.”

  The sergeant lead his squad around back and Mac and Matt's crews each took up positions at one of the two entrances. As soon as they heard the sergeant firing his pistol they popped the locks on the doors and went in with Mac and Matt in the lead.

  The combined smells of rotting flesh and rotting food hit them like an assault. Even though they tried to breath through their mouths, they struggled to keep the contents of their stomachs down. They quickly moved up and down the aisles of the small store, dropping the dead until they caught up with Sgt. Andrews.

  The sergeant waved at some sleeping bags and cots at the back of the store, “Not a bad place to try and hole up. The only problem all you need is one person with you who has been bit and then the locks that our keeping everyone out trap you in. Go ahead and knife the brains on this lot and drag the bodies outside. We'll let this place air out a bit before seeing what we can take.”

  “Tobin these things were all shot neat through the head, why we got to stick them again?”, Ed whispered.

  “Things are going to be a lot worse when we get to Lexington, they want to get us used to this now.”, Tobin answered.

  While the store aired out the sergeant had them move up the street. Side by side were two churches Catholic on the left and Lutheran to the right, The sergeant chose the Catholic church to start with. The doors were heavier and had more room at the front.

  “As things fell apart people gathered as families, in bars or at the churches. The old adage there are no atheists in a foxhole is never more true than when the world is ending. These doors open outward and we could use them as a funnel, but the risk of something going south is to high. We need to come up with a plan to seal these doors better than they are.”, Sgt. Andrews expressed.

  Someone had done a quick job of keeping the doors shut. As they pulled together scraps to reinforce the doors they wondered about who might have trapped the dead inside the church to begin with. While they would of liked to believe it was noble intentions, a brave soul risking their life to keep the dead inside. In reality they believed someone escaped the church when the dead began to rise and trapped the others inside to be fed upon.

  As they helped load their salvage onto a truck Tobin turned to Mac, “Is this all we are going to find?”

  “Its a small town we'll find better salvage in Lexington.”, Mac replied.

  “Not what I meant. I was kind of hoping we would find someone else alive. Not finding out people are willing to sell out their own just to save their skin.”, Tobin exclaimed.

  “We all get scared son. We all are capable of the worst sort of things. We are also capable of the best. Don't forget there are over two hundred people still alive because Colonel Osgood and his men made that possible.”, Mac tapped the shell casing Crystal gave to Tobin, “We all have our reasons to survive.”

bsp; For the next hour they rode pretty much in silence. Even the ever gregarious Ed kept his thoughts to himself. They stopped short of their destination and Mac, Sergeant Andrews, and Corporal Byrne left to recon the situation. While the rest of the group waited for them to return they killed time first by eating lunch and then began playing with the crossbows taken from the gun shop. Idle practice went to who could shoot three arrows the fastest at a 30 yard target.

  Ed won hitting the target all three times in just under thirty seconds. They then played around with how fast a Dee could close a thirty yard gap and estimated that at 45 seconds to a minute. Then to make a point Tobin picked up a re-curve and was able to hit a target twenty yards away 6 times in the thirty seconds.

  At about that time Mac and the soldiers returned. The area near the home improvement store was overrun with the dead. However, they had also checked out an outlet mall that was located a distance out of town and that had far fewer dead visible. The plan was to hit the mall first and try to figure out a way to lure the dead from the home improvement store.